Tax Info

A super common question for this time of year is “Do I get a 1098-T tax form for attending West Texas Professional Training?” The short answer is no.  Since we are not a year long school, and therefore not eligible to receive federal financial aid, our students do not receive a 1098 T tax form. 

What ARE you eligible for regarding your tuition? In most cases:

The Lifetime Learning Credit

Lifetime Learning Credits are available to all taxpayers who attend at least one course during the year at an institution eligible to participate in the federal student aid program. It is not necessary that the student pursue a degree or certification to qualify, and it's available for any year of study. The credit covers the cost of tuition and fees plus any amount for books and supplies you are required to purchase directly from the school.

This credit is of particular value to those students attending postgraduate programs. As of 2017, the maximum benefit of the credit is $2,000. However, the lifetime learning credit is nonrefundable if it exceeds your tax bill for the year.

Form 8863 is the form you or your accountant will need (see source 2 link below). 

"Lifetime Learning Credit".

We hope this helps with your tax endeavors!  Because they are endeavors aren't they :).

West Texas Dental Assisting Tax ID: 81-4276495

Source 1: 

Source 2:

If I we can help in any way, let us know!

Happy New Year! Excited to see all the things 2023 will bring.


Congratulations to our February 2023 Medical Assistants!


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